
Immunize Washington 2022 awards

Congratulations to our teams that made the list.


We’re proud to announce that eight clinics of The Polyclinic and The Everett Clinic have received the Immunize Washington award for 2022. This award is given yearly by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). 

It recognizes clinics that reach vaccination rates of 70% or more in their child and teen patients. This means that at least 70% of those patients got a full series of shots at suggested times. We're grateful to the following teams for their outstanding work. 

Childhood shots (ages 24–35 months)

Silver level: 70 - 79% coverage rates

Bronze level: 70% and above coverage rates 

Adolescent immunizations (for kids age 13 years)

Gold level: 80% or higher coverage rates

Silver level: 70 - 79% coverage rates

Bronze level: 70% and above coverage rates 

Congratulations to all clinics. Thanks to them, our young patients are getting their shots and being protected from serious illnesses. Also, a special shout-out to the family medicine team at The Polyclinic Downtown. They reached 100% of their goal.

Learn more at the DOH site.