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Back and neck braces


A neck or back brace may offer needed support for some spine problems. 

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Your doctor may suggest a neck or back brace if you have a spinal disorder, abnormal curve or other concern. Sometimes a brace can be used instead of having surgery. 

Neck and back braces offer support from the outside of your neck and back. Braces can help with:

  • Low back pain
  • Trauma
  • Infections
  • Muscle weakness
  • Neck problems
  • Osteoporosis, a weakening of the bones
  • Healing after surgery

Braces offer a safe, noninvasive way to stop future problems and help you heal. Braces work by supporting the spine and holding it in place. Sometimes braces can lead to muscle problems because of a lack of movement.


Types of braces

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  • Some types of back braces include: 

    • Trochanteric belt — a brace used around the pelvis that buckles in front like a belt
    • Lumbosacral belt — a brace made of heavy cotton with lightweight stays or supports that can be adjusted through laces on the side or the back of the belt
    • Corset — a rigid support brace for the back that varies in length, usually covering the buttocks (back side) and with straps for the shoulders 
    • Rigid brace — a stiff brace with pieces that curve to the shape of your lower spine and pelvis  
    • Hyperextension brace — made with a metal frame to stop the spine from bending too much 
    • Molded jacket — usually made of molded plastic to help take pressure off of one area and stabilize the spine 
    • Lifting belt — made of cloth or canvas and worn around the lower back area to help with heavy lifting, back strain and muscle tiredness 
  • Some of the types of neck braces include:

    • Soft collar — a flexible brace, usually used after a more rigid collar
    • Philadelphia collar — a more rigid or stiff collar usually worn 24 hours a day
    • Sterno-occipital mandibular immobilization device (SOMI) — a rigid brace to hold your neck in a straight line so it matches up with your spine and can’t bend or twist 
    • Halo — a rigid brace to hold the head and neck in place 24 hours a day

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