Color Block


Computed tomography


A computed tomography or CT scan uses a computer and a special type of X-ray to measure bones and organs.

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The Polyclinic offers personalized diagnostic imaging (DI) care and state-of-the-art facilities. We have locations across the Seattle area. Our CT scanning equipment gives superior image quality with the lowest amount of radiation possible.


CT scan information

Accordion Block v2
  • You will lie flat on your back on an exam table. We may use straps and pillows to help you keep still and stay in the correct place on the table during the exam.

    IV contrast may be used. This is to help take better images during the exam. The contrast is usually given with a shot. Less often, the IV contrast is given with an enema.

    Next, the table will move quickly through the scanner to make sure you'll be in the right place on the table during the exam. Then, the table will move slowly through the scanner during the exam. The table may need to move through the scanner several times.

  • Your doctor may want you to have blood work done before your exam.

    On the day of your exam:

    • Wear comfortable clothing that fits loosely
    • Remove bras with metal underwire and possibly piercings
    • Don’t eat or drink anything except water for four hours before your exam
    • Tell your doctor about any medications you’re taking or allergies you have, especially to contrast material
    • Tell your doctor about any recent illnesses you’ve had
    • Tell our staff if there’s any chance you may be pregnant

    If you have a history of heart disease, asthma, diabetes, kidney (organ that filters blood) disease or thyroid problems, that may affect the results of the exam. If there’s a chance you're pregnant, a pregnancy test should be done before the exam.

    If necessary, you may be given a gown to wear during the exam.

  • A specialized radiologist will review your exam and send a report to your doctor. Your doctor will talk to you about your exam results. After you talk to your doctor, the results are also available on MyChart.

    When you'll get results will depend on what type of CT scan you're having.

  • If your doctor tells you that you need a CT scan, we'll contact you to schedule it. CT scans require a pre-authorization form from your insurance company.

    If you choose to have a CT scan without a pre-authorization form, we require a deposit payment at your appointment. You may also be responsible for the full cost of your CT scan after your insurance has been billed.

    If you have questions about what your insurance plan covers, you should contact your insurance company directly.

    For general questions, please call us at 1-206-329-1760. For billing questions, please call us at 1-206-860-4500. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-206-860-5496, option 2.


CT scan services we offer



Coronary calcium scoring  

Cardiac scoring helps doctors figure out your chances of getting coronary artery disease (CAD).


Coronary angiography  

Coronary angiography is a heart test that looks at the blood vessels that bring blood to your heart.


Virtual colonography  

Virtual colonography tests create images of the colon (large intestine).


Small bowel enterography  

Small bowel enterography creates images of the small intestine, the abdomen (middle of the body) and pelvis.


CT lung screening  

CT lung screening tests help doctors find out if you have lung (breathing organ) cancer.


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